Wavemotion: The Neuroscience of Scent

Iberchem is thrilled to introduce its latest neuroscientific investigation programme, Wavemotion.
Designed to scientifically evaluate the impact of fragrance on human psychology and physiology, Wavemotion will unveil insights into how scent can influence positive neural responses to transform the emotional landscape of consumers and elevate consumer wellbeing.
With the expertise of neuroscientific specialists Michael White, New Technologies Director at Iberchem, will be leading the Wavemotion programme. Utilising multi-dimensional, sophisticated neuroscientific techniques and physiological practices, Wavemotion will explore the processing of odour signals within interconnected structures of the brain, which are essential in determining emotional states before we even recognise the scent.
“Wavemotion will bring a new dimension to the world of fragrance innovation,” says Michael White, New Technologies Director at Iberchem. “Understanding the functional connectivity and physiological correlates of emotion upon fragrance exposure will reveal an unprecedented opportunity for the expansion of Iberchem’s fragrance portfolio.”
Iberchem’s debut of its latest investigation programme was a success at in-cosmetics 2023 with attendees excited to delve into the world of Wavemotion. Through Iberchem’s interactive, live on-stand experience, attendees explored scents and emotions by smelling four fragrances, each of which had been neuroscientifically tested and proven to boost a specific emotion.
Choosing from either happy, invigorating, sensual, or relaxed, attendees mapped which mood zone they sensed the fragrance enhanced onto a large brain model.
As the event unfolded, the white brain filled with brightly coloured stickers, gradually showcasing how each fragrance influenced the attendee’s emotional landscape.
Iberchem’s Wavemotion programme is now analysing these results to further apprehend the distinctive patterns developed in each mood zone.
From motivated and energised, to calm and focused, there will be unique prospects for new fragrance solutions which focus on modulating emotions to improve consumer wellness with Wavemotion. To learn more and explore the Neuroscience of Scent with Wavemotion, click here.