Whistleblowing Channel
01. Introduction
At Iberchem, we are committed to conducting our business throughout the world with honesty and integrity. We will behave ethically in all business transactions. We will comply with the law in each country in which we do business. These are the standards we expect from all of our employees, agents, distributors and any other third-parties we engage to act on our behalf.
We encourage anyone to report any information relating to any suspected wrongdoing connected to Iberchem. This may include:
– criminal activity
– failure to comply with any legal or professional obligation
– danger to health and safety
– damage to the environment
– bribery/corruption
– financial fraud or mismanagement
– breach of our internal policies and procedures
– conduct likely to damage our reputation or financial wellbeing
– collective bullying, harassment, discrimination and abusive behaviour in the workplace
– unauthorised disclosure of confidential information
– the deliberate concealment of any of the above matters
02. How to report any concerns
Through our Whistleblowing Channel (Speak Up service), serious concerns can be communicated confidentially.
While we encourage our employees to report any concerns to their line managers or other senior management, they can also use the Speak Up service to raise the above concerns, and should refer to the Whistleblowing Policy on the company’s intranet.
We also welcome reports of wrongdoing from those outside our company. We have created a web-portal to provide a safe place for any individual to share information in strict confidence, within the realms of local law. This offers anonymous, web-based access for the reporting of ‘tip-offs’ to us.
Whistleblowing Channel (Speak Up service) is available in many languages and can be accessed via clicking here.
03. How we deal with reported concerns
All reports from employees and third-parties will be handled by independent dedicated experts. If concerns are raised in good faith, there will be no risk of suffering any form of detriment or retribution as a result. However, the portal must not be used to knowingly submit false or slanderous statements or information. Improper submissions of this nature can give rise to serious consequences under company policy, or under civil or criminal law.
Click here to obtain more information.