Trend Report – Ingredient collection: Sandalwood
The name sandalwood is derived from the Sanskrit word Chandana meaning Scented Wood.
As of today, following the tradition, the wood of sandalwood trees is still used to make sacred objects, carvings and various handcraft ornaments.
There are sixteen species of sandalwood (Santalum) that grow naturally throughout the Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean regions. Sandalwoods are evergreens ranging in size from tall shrubs to large trees. They grow in a variety of climates — from the Australian desert to subtropical New Caledonia — and at elevations from sea level to over 8,000 feet.
The study presents an overview of the use of sandalwood in fine fragrances , personal care and home care products. Ask one of our sales representative for more information.
Photo: © Manu M Nair/Shutterstock